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Considering becoming a member of the Festival Statesmen? Here's what you need to know.


When a potential member looks at joining, the goal of the Chorus is to prepare the candidate for a formal audition after a 4-week trial. The final audition is a performance of a piece or two from the current repertoire within a one person per part ensemble setting to the Director of Music or Director of Music representative. The candidate will be seen to have adopted the Chorus culture during this 4 week period.


  • A willingness to adopt the Festival Statesmen culture

  • A willingness to learn

  • Musical and performance experience


Candidates should make contact with us to arrange a visit to a rehearsal. Potential members should have a short song prepared (of any style) that they can perform unaccompanied for their first visit.


The candidate successfully performs their chosen audition song(s) and is welcomed as a member of the Festival Statesmen.

The candidate displays promise and is invited back for a second attempt. Feedback will be given with specific points for improvement for the next audition.

The candidate has demonstrated a lack of ability and/or development, is thanked for his time and given suggestions for other musical and performance activities that might be suitable.

In addition to passing the audition, the candidate will need to affirm that they are in support of the Chorus culture.


The candidate will be asked to run through a quick Voice Placement Test with a member of the Music Team before the main rehearsal. The candidate will then be encouraged to actively join in with the rehearsal process and assigned a mentor. At the end of the rehearsal the candidate will be issued with a Member Initiation Form.


The new member will study the current repertoire and in consultation with the Director of Music, a piece or two will be selected for the final audition. The candidate will join in with the regular rehearsal process. The candidate will continue working through the Member Initiation Form. It is the new members' responsibility to actively pursue the activities on the Member Initiation Form and complete them before the end of the trial period. 


Rehearsal as normal with the candidate joining as they are able. After rehearsal, the candidate should run through their audition song(s) with members of the ensemble. Assistance with coordinating this rehearsal can be provided by the mentor. The candidate should continue working through the Member Initiation Form.


Attend rehearsal as normal. At the end of the rehearsal the candidate will present their completed Member Initiation Form to the Director of Music or representative and perform their audition piece(s) while maintaining their part on their own.


Performance from memory is encouraged with attention to accurate notes, text, intonation and any expression that has been rehearsed throughout the trial period within the chorus context.


The main objective of the audition is for the candidate to demonstrate a conscientiousness and willingness to learn in addition to being open and adopt the chorus culture. Our repertoire spans across most genres of music and so it is important that the song selection for the audition reflects this diversity. 

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